Xavs Norr

Been a Chef for 24 yrs., My Culinary Journey did take off from Oberoi &
the Taj in Mumbai, soon thereafter heading to the Middle East, cruise line,
U.S., Europe & travelled the globe assisting & supporting teams in food fests.
My cooking style being French. Though have honed my skills extensively
in cuisines like Italian, Spanish, Lebanese, Moroccan, Japanese,
American, Mexican, Contemporary fusion, Molecular Gastronomy
Bakery & Patisserie.

Been an opening specialist for 5star hotels & Restaurants as Executive Chef,
had the opportunity to cook for numerous Hollywood Actors, Presidents of
leading countries, Formula 1 drivers & numerous elite events. Has been the
leader of a popular catering company of India, catering to the most
prominent Industrialist, Actors and Cricketers of Country.
Having taking a sabbatical in 2010 from a world of extravaganza,
lifestyle, and recognition, to be back in Goa and carve my name in the
culinary world here.